Daily Archives: February 14, 2012

Joyeuse St-Valentin!

Happy Valentine’s Day!

Today was a pretty high energy day.  First thing in the morning students gave out their Valentine’s day cards.  After our usual welcome I explained how we would open our cards.  I explained that after looking at a card they had to find the person who gave them the card, look them in the eye, and say thank you (in French of course).  After looking at all our Valentine’s cards it was time to play.

After recess, the students were divided into four groups.  Groups went to Mme Yick’s class, Mme MacNicol’s class, Mme Tardif’s class and one group stayed with me.  Students did two Valentine’s day crafts with two different teachers.  It was a great chance to meet some of the other students at Dixon that I otherwise do not get to interact with.

After lunch we did calendar with the special helper followed by a really fun math activity with Smarties.  Students had to count how many Smarties were in their box.  They had to draw them, do a math equation with them, graph them and draw the Smarties of some of their friends.  There were between 9 and 12 Smarties in a box.  I’ve done this in past years and there used to be more like 13 Smarties in a box.  I think the boxes are getting smaller.

After students were finished their math, they could eat their Smarties.  We ended the day with some cloud time.  Most students decided to draw.  I also opened up the store and some students made some purchases.

Tomorrow is library day!  A few students are forgetting to put their reading folders in our brown bin in the morning so at the end of the day they are coming to me saying I didn’t read with them.  It is extremely important that these envelopes get put in the right place in the morning otherwise I don’t read with your child.

Happy Valentine’s Day from Maelle with her two favourite things—balloons and flowers!

Mme Robinson

Protected: February 14, 2012 – Pictures

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