Monthly Archives: January 2012



I’m going to keep this short today!  Today we:

  •  Practiced printing some ‘j’s.
  • Played!
  • Went to the library.
  • Did calendar.
  • Ate lunch (it was an inside day at lunch but quite a few students attended the talent show).
  • Did some partner reading followed by some cloud time.
  • Played alphabet bingo with a substitute teacher who was making up a prep I missed last week.
  • I read the students Little Red Riding Hood (a very basic French version to introduce some key vocab).
  • Students illustrated some vocab.

That was our day in a nutshell!

Tomorrow is a very exciting day!  We are going to the gymnastics facility in Ladner first thing in the morning.  If your child requires transportation please be sure to send his/her car seat to school tomorrow.  Also you may send a small snack packed in a separate bag to be eaten when we arrive at the facility tomorrow.


Mme Robinson

Protected: January 31, 2012 – Pictures!

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Movie Stars in the Making

As a school, we are kicking off some new social responsibility goals (respect and responsibility) this week.  There will be an assembly this Friday to get things going.  Each class is supposed to present in some way what these goals look like and sound like and I thought it’d be fun to produce a short video to present at the assembly.  Today I started taking footage with my camera when I saw students showing green behaviour (doing what they are supposed to be doing).  In the afternoon we came up with a few more examples which I filmed until I ran out of memory on my camera.

This morning we began our day talking about the letter ‘j’.  This letter can cause some confusion.  The English pronunciation is similar to the letter ‘g’ in French.    I told the students a trick I like to use.  I remember how to say ‘j’ in French because it rhymes with ‘i’ and they both have a dot on top.

We coloured the ‘j’ page and then students played while I did everyone’s home reading.  After recess the students had gym.  We started lunch a bit early because it was the first day of the Twoonie Talent Show.  A few students went to watch while everyone else went outside to play.  After lunch, we did some partner reading, followed by some cloud time.

Today I didn’t give out any blue tickets.  I’ve decided to stop this because as part of these new social responsibility goals the entire staff is going to start giving out Dragon Paws (a green cutout of a paw) whenever we see green or blue behaviour. Students who get paws will write their name and division and then get to take them to the office to be put in a big draw bin.  I believe every Friday some names will be drawn for prizes.

Tomorrow is library day because of our field trip on Wednesday.  Please bring back all library books!

Mme Tardif’s class went to the Delta Gymnastics facility today and had a great time!  I’m really looking forward to our trip Wednesday morning.  If you want to send a small snack packed in a separate bag to be eaten before we start our gymnastics rotations feel free to do so.

See you tomorrow!

Mme Robinson

Protected: January 30, 2012 – Pictures

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A Quiet Day

A class size of 8 today equals a much quieter day.  I had a feeling something was wrong today when my two usual early birds didn’t show.  By 8:52 I still only had 3 kids in the class!  We spent a much more relaxed day together but still got some work done.

Today we began our day with completing a page in our phonics book with words containing the letter ‘b’.  Then we had a very calm playtime followed by snacks and then recess.  I let the students sit wherever they wanted to today because there were only 3 boys and 5 girls.  After recess when did calendar and then we spent 20 minutes or so in the computer lab.  Before lunch we spent some time writing in our journals.  After lunch we had an extended partner reading time followed by an extended cloud time.  Our last activity was making a picture using tangrams.  They turned out great!  Here’s our Boyd volunteer student’s example:

What a cute cat!

I gather we’ve had quite an outbreak of the flu in our class.  Let’s hope everyone makes a speedy recovery in time for our field trip to the Delta Gymnastics Society training facility this coming Wednesday.

Next week is the Twoonie Talent Show at Dixon.  Everyday at lunch students are invited to watch other students perform their various talents in the gym.  Admission is $2 a day.

Next week we will have library on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.

Have a restful weekend everyone!

Mme Robinson

Protected: January 27, 2012 – Pictures

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Kite Flying!

Weather conditions were perfect today for flying Chinese New Year inspired kites with our big buddies.  It was sunny, and windy!

First thing this morning we brainstormed a list of words that contained the sound ‘b’.  Compared to previous lists from earlier this year, there were way more words this time and everyone shared words in French.

Next, it was playtime.  Having only sixteen students this year has made my daily job reading with everyone quite manageable.  Students were much better today keeping the volume down during playtime.  This is probably because I told them that if they use a loud voice in the class I have them sit out for a few minutes.

After recess, and after a few students had to change pairs of pants and socks, we headed over to our big buddies’ class to make kites.  Everyone worked very well and for the last few minutes before lunch we all headed outside to test them out.

After lunch we had partner reading, followed by cloud time and then we finally got around to doing calendar.  It was then time for gym with Mr. Unger.  Gymnastics is over for now (except for our upcoming field trip next Wednesday).

With the half day Monday, this week has gone by fairly quickly.  Another Friday is  here and we will finish up our look at the three pigs.

A lot of students have been using their spare socks, pants etc. this past week so if you could make sure your child has their full set of spare clothing at school that would be greatly appreciated!  There are also a few pairs of wet/dirty socks in our cloakroom that need to be claimed.

Thanks for your continued support!

Mme Robinson


Protected: January 26, 2012 – Pictures

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Three Pigs Continued…

Today we continued with our Three Pigs mini-unit.  During library Mme Marin’s TOC read the students a twisted version of the three pigs.  In the story there were three little wolves and one big bad pig.

We practiced printing some upper and lower case ‘b’s.  We played in the classroom during which I read with everyone.  After recess we did calendar followed by another writing activity.  Today, students wrote in their journals using a ‘dictionary’ page with all sorts of words from the story of the three pigs.

I only gave students 20 minutes to work on their writing.  They came up with some great ideas!  Today was the second day I had to squeeze in a little mini-lesson after their writing.  Yesterday I noticed some students weren’t leaving enough space between words so we talked about that.  Today, quite a few students started writing at the bottom of the page and then ran out of room and then wrote above the first line.  After our writing today I explained how we read from top to bottom so we need to write top to bottom as well.  Once again I was super impressed with their efforts today!

After lunch, we had partner reading followed by some quiet cloud time.  We learned a new math game with patterned dots.  This game is very similar to connect four except you only need to connect three to win and instead of numerals to cover with counters you cover patterned dots.

At the end of the day we practiced ‘O Canada’ and then it was time to go home.

Tomorrow is sushi day!  Also, next week our library day will be on Tuesday instead of Wednesday.  I’ve switched days since we are on a field trip on Wednesday.

I will remind you again next week!

See you tomorrow.

Mme Robinson

Protected: January 25, 2012 – Pictures

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